- Introduction Importance of Problem Child.
- Individual Problems
- children often show body movements or behavior that seems stupidity same foolish mistake or do odd solely to attract the attention of the class.
- the child laughed harder than his friends.
- the child is playful and often seductive friend next to him.
- the child is malingering.
- boy pretended not to understand, so always ask.
- The child always showed a slow activity and so forth.
- the child is often argued and lost control.
- The children tend to exhibit behavior that always want to beat someone else.
- The children get angry (active measures) and aggressive action.
- the child withdraws completely and did not want to carry out the obligation-to-workbench.
- the child is always forgotten in the important rules in the classroom.
- the child do physical actions that can hurt others.
- The child does not want at all accept the task given to him and always say no.
- the child is feeling pessimistic or hopeless of all the circumstances.
- the child has a sense of hostility or opposed to any regulations, and
- the child a passive or low potency and come to school irregularly.
- The problem individual.
- Problem group
Classes react negatively to one of his students can also cause problems in class, for example by ridiculing, insulting together, which causes the class became noisy and not conducive to learning. Usually children who children who are shy, whiny, discordant voice when singing and looking less attractive. c) encouraging members of the class that actually violate the norms of the group, such as giving encouragement to the class clown. Support to the class clown also resulted in more protracted problems in the classroom. Children who showed more skill clown jokes and behaving strangely. This raises the cheers and laughter of children excessive so as to divert the attention of children to learn. d) groups tend to easily diverted attention from the task being undertaken. Easily distracted the attention of other children because children who buffoon as well as other matters that quickly lure the attention of children, such as learning tools and toys to see new friends, fraudulent actions of friends, and situations that are less supportive school environment and learning activities. e) low morale, for example a kind of protest to the teacher because it considers the assignment is less fair. The problem of children in groups also occur because of low morale due to the unfair treatment of teachers, such as unfairness in determining the types of tasks done, and specified equipment or materials teachers. f) the classes are less able to adapt to new circumstances, such as schedule disruption, or the class teacher had to be replaced temporarily by another teacher. Sometimes children feel more interested in doing tasks that other children who have been determined, or the child is more interested in objects or tools used by other children who have been determined teacher. If this situation is not addressed then the teacher will cause problems, such as children lazy and not eager to continue his work. The existence of new things according to the child, such as timetable and teacher exchanges, often cause problems for children. If the exchange schedules, teacher change, is defined as something that is not running as usual, like a clock in or rest or go home that has changed, and the mother of another teacher who has not been fully recognized. This tends to make children restless and anxious in the following activities in class, because usually they should have a rest or go home, but the exchange has not been able to break their schedule or not returned. Or should they have to learn with teachers who are sweet and friendly, now they are faced with a grumpy teacher. These realities affect the child in learning and can be a major problem in the management class, for children afflicted with fear and anxiety to learn. In the handling of classroom management issues, teachers need to know the cause because children are not expected to behave following approach needs to be understood by teachers in the classroom. Schaefer (1996) suggests there are two approaches to understanding the problem child, that is the approach from the outside (surface approach), and the causal approach (causal approach). Approach from the outside (Surface Approach) is more focused mastery and control of the child's behavior can be seen and observed. This approach is usually used teachers being rigid, authoritarian style that always expects all children and students dutifully obey the rules and provisions of the enactment unilaterally. This type of teacher assess heavy or light a child's fault according to the practical consequences of that mistake. For example, a mistake by accident, a child drink while standing and accidentally release the water tube, water is spilled wetting his friend who was sitting beside his stool so that children are exposed to water spillage was crying. Then the fault is considered more severe than in children who accidentally spilled water on the floor. Causal Approach (Causal Approach), trying to find and understand motif-motif underlying the actions and intentions of an action, as well as trying to discover why a child is acting that way. This approach seeks to solve the problem by eliminating the causes or roots are hidden. In this approach, teachers are usually looking at each child's behavior has a specific reason or driven by a motive. In this connection Schaefer (1996) also suggested that among the common motives of behavior in children caused by wrong; a) the attention, kids want to get attention, even warnings and criticisms. b) retaliation, the children gave vengeance because it was never abused and obstructed. c) misconceptions, children do not understand about what is expected of him, or for forgetting the rules. d) rights struggle, the kids wanted him to be left to his own way and in suit dispute. e) because the physical condition; child feel irritable and angry because she was tired, hungry or sick. f) competition, the child is jealous to get attention and the excess of their peers. g) transfer, the child suffers because some of the wounded pride that happened, and tried to transfer it to others. h) values, children think only about themselves (egocentric) and disregard of others, and not feel guilty for the actions.
C. Control Technique Problems of Children in Classroom Management. Combating the problem of children in classroom management is not all teachers can do, although in fact, that many know about the condition of children in the classroom is the teacher. In this case there is no limit the authority of teachers, because not all actions to problem solving of children in classroom management are in authority. Classroom management techniques can be grouped into preventive techniques and curative techniques. Preventive technique is a technique to prevent your child's behavior that can interfere with learning activities, while the curative technique is a technique to cope with the child's behavior is disrupting the learning activities. Implementation of preventive techniques done with the intention of the availability of teachers is a condition that is comfortable and safe for children to move in the classroom. Curative technique is that teachers do corrective action against a deviant child behavior and damage the optimum conditions for the continuation of the activities of children in the classroom. In this curative technique penangulangan actions that teachers can do when an interruption occurs, and healing action against deviant behavior of children who already occurred for these irregularities are not repeated. All series of teacher classroom management is done with the intent to provide optimal conditions for the learning process of children in the classroom or the availability of conditions conducive to the learning of children so that learning can be carried out effectively. Hasibuan (1994) suggested a number of attitudes and actions of teachers in each of the above techniques, namely; 1. Preventive techniques Teachers' attitudes and actions which are preventive a) being open. Open attitude in the prevention of unexpected student behavior in the classroom is the attitude of teachers who are important to demonstrate familiarity with the child. By creating an atmosphere of openness, the kids really feel free and freely to express his opinions and full of confidence that teachers will always listen and pay attention to his opinion. To express this openness good teachers stated that if the children are also good, or vice verse. For example, when playing in the sandbox, Yana put sand in the head Yanto. Teachers are admonished not to repeat Yana Yana actions but still loop. Faced with the Mother Goddess of the child's behavior, "Yana, the mother learned she wanted children to learn well, the sand should not be placed on the head of his friend, if we be a good girl friends we are also good and she is also a good teacher, mother happy during children's learning Mother-child good and obedient ". b) acceptance and respect for students as human beings. Then for the prevention of child behavior that was not conducive learning is an attitude to accept and respect students as human beings, would be good also to the child's development. Attitude accept what is a statement of affection, to feel accepted means to feel in love. Children will not feel inferior and ashamed, because the teachers treat them in a way that does not discriminate. For example, distinguish between a smart kid with a stupid. In this case the children get the same of teachers. Other examples of activities to draw Princess was trying to drawing well, but the coloring is less evenly. Seeing the business lady, Mrs. Diane teachers continue to receive and appreciate it as a hard-earned. Teacher Mrs. Diane said, "Lady, you've been trying to draw and paint, although the results are like this, and proud mother salute your efforts." c) empathy. The attitude of empathy, an effort that can be done in a preventive dimension. In empathy means teachers must look at the child from the point of view of students. stoping empathy emergence of shame and fear in children, and can also build the courage of children, if asked to do something related to the learning activities. For example, in a young child's motor development teacher Mrs. Mila training children buttoning clothes, and children saying that it is difficult to fasten clothes. Faced with this teacher Mrs. Mila said, "The children buttoning clothes was difficult, but if it was used in the future can own." d) democratic attitudes. Democratic attitudes, teachers can be shown to prevention techniques. In the atmosphere of democratic development should be seen from the attitude of teachers who are trying to put his role as ad visors, and mentors in the learning process. Speaking to a friendly voice, guiding the child, using words of invitation, to help children and share responsibility jointly, are some examples of teachers' efforts to create a democratic atmosphere in the classroom. The importance of this democratic atmosphere for the children, because in the act of classroom management of children taught to be responsible, be treated as human beings who can be wise to take decisions in addition to providing an opportunity to bear the consequences of his own actions. For example, in an effort to break up the responsibility of teachers to children in the classroom, time to start drawing lessons, teachers ask the children to clean up the board and distribute paper-friendly image by saying, "Who are the kids mother, who can clean up blackboard? "Then said," Who is your son who can help distribute the paper this picture? ". e) direct the child in group goal. Directing children in group goals and generate the rules is also important groups of teachers for the prevention of child behavior. The effort that teachers can do to direct the child in group goal is to drive their children to class destination, particularly teaching purposes. Therefore, teachers need to formulate a realistic learning objectives and clearly communicate to the child. For example, teacher Mrs. Ani said, "Our children get used to pray before the study, the objective so that children can learn it later my mother well." f) produce a mutually agreed upon group rules. To produce a mutually agreed upon rules of the group, in this case the teacher tried to make the rules together with child can bind the child into a coherent group in the classroom. If there are children who do not approve the rules to be used in groups, will reduce the power tie rule for the group. In the circumstances the child can not be requested participation in rule-making group, the minimum rules set was approved by the child. g) to clarify the communication. Clarifying communication, teachers are expected to clarify communications made child, because not all children can communicate well. In this case the teacher to repeat what was said the child with the intent reinforce the child's intent. For example, teachers help Ani Nurul assertion in his experience during the holidays. h) show presence. Indicate the presence of teachers needs to be done as a prevention technique of unwanted behavior. In this case the teacher needs to show the child that he was present in the classroom, not only physically but also mentally. In this regard, teachers should be aware of and responsive to children's attention, the involvement of children in order to know where the child is indifferent or less participate in the learning process. Such teacher attitudes can be perceived by the child that the teacher comes along with them and find out what they do. Some examples of ground rules that can be made together with children or asked to approve a child, that is about: 1) show of hands before asking 2) listen carefully the instructions teacher 3) follow the direction given teacher 4) collaborate with classmates 5) finishing tasks on time 6) helping other friends, as well as you will be assisted 7) to bring books, pencils, paper, erasers, and other tools necessary to learn 8) occupies a place on the seat before the bell rang 9) to make preparations to come home in an orderly manner. Rules to be applied to children should be made with a clear, simple and brief, so there is no misunderstanding about what is expected of teachers of children's behavior and ask for approval before the application child first. Looked at the child carefully to invite and involve the child in view of contacts and personal interactions that teachers can do in, cooperation, and friendly with children. Besides moving closer to children, teachers can also signify a teacher readiness, interest and attention given to the task and the activities of children in learning, while giving a statement and reaction to the disorder and ignorance of children is a sign that the teacher is with them. For example, teachers' actions to demonstrate its presence is; shrugged, shook his head, frowning, and gave comments on the child's behaviors or events observed in the classroom. 2. Curative techniques By using curative techniques teachers can do several things: a) negative reinforcement. In tackling child's behavior is disrupting the learning activities, the provision of negative reinforcement is a way that can be teachers. Teachers who do negative reinforcement will attempt to further reduce or eliminate an unpleasant stimulus, so that children are encouraged to behave the same return as a result of the reduction or removal of the stimulus. For example, Mrs. Diane wanted Novi teacher who dared to shy to sing in the future, to which he always pointed directly Novi less boldly sing his own future (unpleasant stimulus), but if one day Novi begin singing boldly ahead without designated by the teacher, the teacher began to reduce in step by step way directly appoint the (negative reinforcement). b) Removal. Elimination can also be teachers in tackling disruptive child behavior and learning activities. This activity is the opposite of reinforcement, especially positive reinforcement. In a positive reinforcement of children's behavior is maintained, whereas in the deletion, the child's behavior is reduced or eliminated altogether. For example, the habit Dimas always covered her mouth with his hand when answering the question. For each behavior that the teacher told them directly to Dimas for not closing the mouth with his hand when answering. After that Dimas can stop that behavior and teacher response. Then the teacher does not care anymore for onward Dimas who spoke, closing the mouth, with the hope Dimas reduce and even eliminate that behavior. c) Punishment. Punishment is an action that could also be applied teacher for children who disrupt the smooth conduct of learning. Giving wisely penalties against certain things are limited to produce an accurate either, but teachers should carefully note the consequences of the sentence. Wherever possible punishment should be avoided if there is a more appropriate alternative behavior to eliminate unwanted children, so that does not cause side effects to both children and teachers. Punishment more negative psychological effect on children. But the appropriate sentencing with the situation and behavior of children, there is the possibility of punishment can increase child's learning process. d) talks the situation rather than perpetrators of abuses and violations. Form other actions that teachers can do in penangulangan problem child is to discuss the situation of violation, not the perpetrators of violations. In this case teachers to deal with child behavior problems, do not be angry or not blame the children, but maintain a situation that has been created. For example, teachers do not say "Gilang continue to enter the class late, you turned out to be difficult to keep time, but it would be better teacher told the children who are late" When Gilang late on, Mach, then will miss the lesson and also can disrupt friends are already learning. " e) against child abuse. Teachers may also be indifferent to violations committed by children who behave mastered, then give a positive response if a child behave positively. Being indifferent is not intended to distinguish the response from the behavior of children who want to master. f) providing a task that requires courage (for children who show behavioral control). If the teacher would respond to reinforcing factor for the child to behave that must be stopped. g) provision of tasks that require physical strength (for children who show behavioral control). Then the teacher can provide that is leading the task, requiring courage, demanding physical strength, children who demonstrate such behavior control. This is done teacher for children who behave mastered feel seen and appreciated for its strength and , so that children feel satisfied and not seek another concern that could interfere with the learning process. Examples of tasks that can be given a teacher like; refer children to become chairman of the class, move the desks or chairs, distribute books, distribute cakes to her friends and so forth. h) elimination of responses, facial expressions remain reasonable (for children, for children who show behavior revenge. Do not respond with facial expressions remain fair, an act that shows the teacher of the child's behavior revenge. In this case the teacher ignored the child's behavior, as well as for his friends. Teachers are expected to ask the other kids not to ignore the behavior of the child. Thus the child will feel that the teacher, or friend is not the target of revenge, the child will find other targets outside the classroom. i) indirectly blaming the child, and show aspects of success (for children who show behavioral disability. For children who show behavioral disability, prevention techniques that teachers can do is to not blame the child directly, but by way of showing aspects of child's success. In this case the teacher must realize that the child has potential. students need encouragement and opportunity to realize his abilities. Not always the child will fail and wrong. Therefore, teachers should not blame the child directly, if the children do wrong. Give acknowledged if the child shows a success, thus motivated the child is expected to further increase his efforts in realizing the capability in learning. For example, in cat-mouse game, Yana foul play, because they do not want to admit that as a rat he had caught his friend. Faced with this situation Yana teacher admonished not to play dirty anymore. But in the ordinary play in the sandbox, Yana can make a nice garden. Yana effort is appreciated Mother teacher and said, "Kids look at that in a Yana in the sandbox, beautiful parks, gardens Yana?", While the teacher smiled and head on Yana. j) increased participation of children in aktifvitas. Other penangulangan techniques that teachers can do is to push and flatten the child's participation in the activity. k) flatten the participation of children. In this case the teacher realized that in the learning activities can be found children who participate less, and on the other hand there are also children with all the ability to actively participate in learning. Faced with these teachers need to give encouragement to children who participate less, while for children who are too active to participate, teachers need to limit it in ways that do not turn off the child's motivation to participate actively. For example, the ball game is very unpopular children. Rifki always wanted to do it over and over with so he can put the ball into the basket as much as possible. Unlike the lady who was always silent, as not interested in the game. Faced with this teacher said, "The kids mother, who was throwing the ball behind the line first, later change throw the ball again after his friend who has not tried". As for the princess, holding her hand and lead the next teacher said, "Come here darling, now Princess of the ball again, yeah ...." Teachers help Princess holding the ball with the correct hand position and after the princess managed to fit the ball The teacher gave praise to him. l) reduction of tension. Reducing the tension is a problem child penangulangan action caused by the differences in the groups that can bear the tension in the classroom. Teachers are expected to reduce tension and even eliminate these tensions. For example, Kiki was crying because her classmates teased, because images can not be made colour well. Faced with this situation teachers soothing and calming Kiki class, by saying, "Let the children be quiet and sit down to his seat, now she asks, should we laugh at work friends?" Questions teachers and "no" answer from the child to calm Kiki and can ease tensions in the classroom. m) conflict resolution between individuals or between groups. To overcome the problem of children who come from conflict child individuals, or groups, teachers are expected to observe carefully the condition of the relationship between the child and try to resolve the contradictions found. Conflicts can occur for a moment in the classroom, but also had sometimes occur outside the classroom to carry over into the classroom. REFERENCES Ahmadi, Abu et al. (1991). Teaching Management. New York: Rineka Notices Arikunto, Suharsimi. (1992). Classroom Management and Student (An evaluative approach). Jakarta: CV. Hawk Bauer M, Anne. Sapona H, Regina. (1985). Managing Classroom to Facilitate Learning. 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